Ketogenic Diet Day 1 - with minimal backstory

I'll be honest, it was the one thing I hadn't tried. IS the one thing I haven't tried. Spent some time doing research, which I will continue.

I didn't wait until January or a Monday. I had my first Keto friendly meal at 7 pm on a Sunday night. 215 pounds. I got down to 208 from 220 earlier in the year with hard restriction but that never lasts. My sister's doctor told her to go 1 year without carbs and she would be able to lose some weight. She sent me an interesting self-written article with some fun facts:

White rice = the Devil's maggots
Pasta = the Devil's toothpicks
Pork = the Devil's meat
Coffee = the Devil's brew (I actually completely disagree on this one. I need it...)
White enriched bleached bread = the Devil's cake

Now, she did go on quite a bit about good carbs and she doesn't believe in cutting out carbs entirely, nor do many doctors.

As a personal side opinion, if Adam and Eve only ate fruit, their diet was made up entirely from glucose = carbs. However.... 6,000 years later we aren't in the best of health we humans, and ketosis my body has never seen. When I heard about Keto my mind went directly to Atkins, but there are some very real differences.

I'll be honest, making last night's dinner was a little freaky. Steak cooked in a little oil (I only had vegetable at the time), steamed broccoli, and grass fed cow butter on top. ***Note: this looks expensive. Meat, cheeses, olive oil, my favorite grass fed cow butter? Carbs are cheap (bread, rice, potatoes, ... the poorest people can still have plenty to eat on these things.) Just saying, we'll have to see.
The dinner was really good. I'm no grill op but the steak came out OK, I only eat it well done for religious purposes.

Interestingly.....I wasn't hungry for the rest of the night.

I drank a bottle of water later on after the meal, but usually I deal with some serious nighttime cravings. Instead, I was full until bed time. 7% carbs for my first keto meal.

The experiment has begun!
