Keto Day 10

So after literally a week of the scale not budging an ounce and me thinking I'm crazy or that my scale is broken....I'm down 0.6lb.

I celebrated with 7 raspberries. 3g carbs. Just because I really have been dying for something fresh that isn't fish or eggs or cheese or cauliflower.

My keto-urine-color stick had some pink on it again last night so that was exciting. I've been eating under 1600 calories everyday with no exercise (hubby sick, his ex in hospital, kids) and maintaining. I think that means that at 2,000 calories a day or more with no exercise and I would have gained weight. Calorie counting on keto is still important!! Once I can start working out I will likely have to eat more.

Oh good night nurse get this: My husband says that when I start working again this fall I can join a gym, if I agree to pay for him too. That's literally $100.00ish.  Shoot $40.00 per month would take care of me.

I really need somewhere to go. Summertime is great and all, but there are people in my face all day long. I'm never ever alone. My husband works for himself aka whenever he feels like it, so we're close.

I did start a 30 day squat challenge at the behest of my sister until I can get a gym membership. I have credit cards and could technically loan myself the money until I start working but that's a bad habit from what I hear :)

So. 209.0 today. If I can avoid my need for fresh fruit I will hit my carb goal again. The coffee helps. I won't be making fat bombs until my husband goes back to work in a few days. You know, because if you saw your morbidly obese spouse handcrafting balls of eat...I'm just going to make them in secret and store them in the freezer and when I've lost 30 or so pounds then I'll tell him about my little balls of fat. Because there are days when I have low protein and carbs but just not near enough fat. I'll need the energy when I start working out.

PS. It's literally 106 outside so no I'm not gonna go for a beach run or ride my bike. I'll die.

